Report from EURAM

A brief overview of the Euram conference in Lisbon in June 2019



By Prof Helgi Thor Ingason, PhD

Reykjavik University

Reykjavik, Iceland



Euram or European Academy of Management is one of the larger academic conferences in the field of management. This annual conference typically attracts about 1000 people from across the globe, but it is usually held in Europe. In June 2019 the Euram conference was held in Lisbon, Portugal. A record number of participants attended the conference or 1800 people, and more than 1200 studies were presented, within different fields of business and management. The conference venue was ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL).

It is of course impossible to explain the vast number of research papers presented at this conference in a short article, but one of its many streams is dedicated to project organising. As a consequence, many of the word leading scholars came to Lisbon for the conference, much-admired researchers from universities in North America, Australia, Africa, Asia and Europe.

The editors of four important academic journals in project management presented their journals. These were Martina Huemann, editor of the International Journal of Project Management (IJPM), Ralf Müller, editor of the Project management Journal (PMJ), Natalie Drouin, editor of the International Journal of Managing Projects in Business (IJMPB) and Young Hoon Kwak editor of Journal of Management in Engineering (JME). All of these journals have a different focus, and the editors briefly outlined the aims and scope of their journals and how their impact has grown.

A total of 80 lectures on project management were given, divided into a number of themes. Action research was discussed, a useful research method within project management. The management of portfolios was discussed, and the development of new knowledge for that purpose.



To read entire report, click here


How to cite this report: Ingason, H.T. (2019). A brief overview of the Euram conference in Lisbon in June 2019, PM World Journal, Vol. VIII, Issue VII, August.  Available online at: https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/pmwj84-Aug2019-Ingason-report-from-euram-2019-conference-in-lisbon.pdf



About the Author

Helgi Thor Ingason, PhD

Professor, Reykjavik University
Reykjavik, Iceland




Helgi Thor Ingason (b. 1965) holds a PhD in process metallurgy from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), MSc in mechanical and industrial engineering from the University of Iceland and a Stanford Advanced Project Management Certification from Stanford University. He is an IPMA Certified Senior Project Manager (B level).

Dr. Ingason is a professor at Reykjavik University. He is co-head (with Dr. Haukur Ingi Jonasson) of the MPM – Master of Project Management – program at the university. The research fields of Dr. Ingason range from quality- and project management to system dynamics and renewable energy, production, transport and utilization, changes in the energy infrastructure and energy carriers of the future.

Dr. Ingason has reported on his research at conferences and in several reviewed conference and journal papers. He is the co-author of 7 books in the Icelandic language on project management, strategic planning, product development and quality management. He is also co-author, with Haukur Ingi Jonasson, of the books Project Ethics (2013), Project: Leadership (2018), Project: Strategy (2018), Project: Communication (2019) and Project: Execution (2019). To learn more about these books, visit the Routledge publishing site here.

Dr. Ingason was interim CEO of Orkuveita Reykjavikur (Reykjavik Energy) from 2010 to 2011. A co-founder of Nordica Consulting Group, Dr. Ingason is a management consultant and a recognized speaker. In his spare time he plays piano and accordion with the South River Band (www.southriverband.com), and Kólga (www.kolga.band), two Icelandic world music ensembles.

More information on Dr. Ingason can be found on www.academia.edu and on www.helgithoringason.com. Information about the MPM program at the University of Reykjavik can be found at http://en.ru.is/mpm/why-mpm/.  Dr. Ingason can be contacted at helgithor@ru.is.