By Josipa Anđal
International Correspondent
Zagreb, Croatia
This is my first report for the PM World Journal. I am excited about reporting news and information about project management in Croatia. But this first month, I want to report about the Project Management Awards and celebration of winners that occurred in late 2019, a program that I was intimately involved with. I am proud to report that the 2019 Project Management Awards program was extremely successful, with many participants, winners, sponsors and stakeholders. So here is a short report about that special occasion in December.
Project Management Awards Winners in Croatia Announced
Project Management Awards 2019 by Croatian Association for Project Management and IPMA Young Crew Croatia Announce their Winners
The Project Management Awards are a set of awards in the field of project management given annually by Croatian Association for Project Management and Young Crew Croatia. The competition is a framework for assessing one’s own competences in the competitive environment of the Republic of Croatia and provides an opportunity for winners to participate at the IPMA International Project Management Awards as a representative of the Republic of Croatia.
The prizes are awarded in three different categories:
- Best young project manager
- Best project by young project manager
- Best young researcher in the field of project management
Young Crew Croatia (YCC) is a part of IPMA Young Crew, the global network for young professionals enthusiastic about project management. It is a platform for young project management professionals and students up to the age of 35 and it is a key component of IPMA’s growth and development of the leaders of tomorrow. Young Crew is a part of International Project Management Association (IPMA).
The PM Awards got a golden makeover in 2019 for the 5th anniversary. End of the year is always a good time to look back and Esplanade Zagreb Hotel was a perfect venue for the Gala Dinner that took place on December 17, 2019.
The Jury Committee (Andreja Batnožić, Hrvoje Prpić, Darija Ivandić Vidović, Prof. Davor Filipović, PhD and Boris Kunštek) decided on the winners and they were announced as follows:
Best Young Researcher
1st place – Dorotea Markasović – Standards for project management and their application in the Republic of Croatia
2nd place – Karlo Mraz – Maturity Assessment of Planning and Monitoring Construction Projects in the USA
Best Project by Young Project Manager
1st place – Juraj Hrvoje Krašković – Reboot InfoGamer 2018 powered by A1
2nd place – Martina Radanović – Good Game 2018 powered by A1
3rd place – Igor Bergam – Music festival Regius
4th place – Luka Filipan – Moj A1
Best Young Project Manager
1st place – Luka Filipan – Moj A1
2nd place Juraj Hrvoje Krašković – Reboot InfoGamer 2018 powered by A1
3rd place Ivana Mikolić – International interdisciplinary field workshop of maritime robotics and applications „Breaking the Surface“
Photo 1: Finalists (from left to right) Luka Filipan, Dorotea Markasović, Karlo Mraz, Martina Radanović, Ivana Mikolić, Igor Bergam and Juraj Hrvoje Krašković
To read entire report, click here
How to cite this report: Anđal, J. (2020). Project Management Update from Croatia, PM World Journal, Vol. IX, Issue II, February. Available online at
About the Author
Josipa Anđal
Zagreb, Croatia
Josipa Anđal is a dedicated and enthusiastic structural engineer in the making with a demonstrated history of working in the field of project management and structural engineering, both locally and internationally. She is completing her Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering at Zagreb University of Applied Sciences. Her area of study is focused on building construction with special interest for structural design as well as BIM (Building Information Modeling). Back in 2014 she joined few different NGOs focused on youth work where she actively started working on many Erasmus+ Youth Mobility projects.
In 2015 she became a part of IPMA Young Crew, a key component of IPMA’s growth and development of the leaders of tomorrow and a global platform for young project managers. Making her first Young Crew steps as a member of IPMA Young Crew Croatia she was a Board Member there from 2016 until 2019, and a Local Organizer for GeCCo (Global eCollaboration Competition) in 2015 and 2016, member of the GeCCo Core Team in 2017 and GeCCo Project Manager for 2018/2019 edition. Besides this, she has been a Community Manager for Young Crew since April 2017. In June 2019 she joined international Young Crew Management Board and has been appointed as new Head of Communication and Marketing.
Josipa also serves as an international correspondent for the PM World Journal and Library. Based in Zagreb, Croatia, she can be contacted at