Project Management Development – Practice and Perspectives

Report on the Eight International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries



By Emils Pulmanis

International Correspondent

Riga, Latvia


The Eight International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries was held during 26-27 April 2019 at the University of Latvia in Riga.  The theme of the conference was “Project Management Development – Practice and Perspectives”.  Organizers of the event included the Research Institute of the Project Management of the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, University of Latvia and the Professional Association of Project Managers, Latvia.

The aim of the conference was to discuss results of scientific research in project management issues, to establish new contacts and networking between professionals involved in project management, and to enhance the capacity of project managers.

The conference programme included opening plenary session, and 3 parallel streams of papers and presentations. All papers were reviewed by two reviewers and papers included in the conference proceedings were double blind reviewed. Detailed conference program you can find here.

Conference keynote speakers for 2019 were Prof. Dr. Michael J. Littman (USA), Prof. Dr. Carsten Wolff (Germany) and Prof. DI Philipp Rosenberger (Austria).

The work of the conference was organized in the 3 parallel sessions:

  1. Practical Project Management and Project Management in the ICT sector: Session chairs: Prof. Carsten Wolff and Prof. Philipp Rosenberger
  1. Social Aspects and New Directions in Project Management: Session chairs: Prof. Arvi Kuura, and Prof. (emer.) Dr. Žaneta Ilmete
  1. Project Risk Management and Quantitative Methods in Project Management: Session chairs: Prof. Wolfgang Tysak and        Prof. Andrejs Cekuls


Prof.Michael J. Littman (SUNY: Buffalo State, USA. University of Haifa, Israel).

Michael J. Littman, chair and associate professor of business, is recognized for his consistently superior, student-focused, and innovative teaching skills, sound scholarship, and exceptional level of service to Buffalo State students. His strong commitment to students’ starts with advisement, extends into the classroom, and stretches to their post-graduate careers.

Littman has a long record of positive impact on student growth and performance through a variety of offerings, including freshman seminars, senior seminars, honors sections, and graduate-level courses, plus courses cross-listed in history and communications. He has taught 42 different undergraduate and graduate courses at Buffalo State. The focus of his teaching has been to instill and develop the positive personal and professional skills students need for a rewarding role as ethical leaders in their profession and community.

He has also mentored international faculty through the Fulbright program and African Regional International Scholar Development Internship program.


To read entire report, click here


How to cite this report:  Pulmanis, E. (2019). Project Management Development – Practice and Perspectives: Report on the Eight International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries, PM World Journal; Vol. VIII, Issue IV (May).  Available online at: https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/pmwj81-May2019-Pulmanis-Latvia-conference-report.pdf



About the Author

Emils Pulmanis

Riga, Latvia




Emils Pulmanis is a member of the board of the Professional Association of Project Managers in Latvia and development project manager at State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia. He has gained a BSc. in engineer economics, a professional master’s degree in project management (MSc.proj.mgmt) and currently is a PhD candidate with a specialization in project management. He has elaborated and directed a number of domestic and foreign financial instruments co-financed projects. He was a National coordinator for a European Commission-funded program – the European Union’s financial instruments PHARE program in Latvia. Over the past seven years he has worked in the public administration project control and monitoring field. He was a financial instrument expert for the Ministry of Welfare and the European Economic Area and Norwegian Financial Mechanism implementation authority as well as an expert for the Swiss – Latvian cooperation program as a NGO grant scheme project evaluation expert. He has gained international and professional project management experience in Germany, the United States and Taiwan. In addition to his professional work, he is also a lecturer at the University of Latvia for the professional master study program in Project management. He has authored more than 50 scientific publications and is actively involved in social activities as a member of various NGO’s.

Emils can be contacted at emils.pulmanis@gmail.com.

To see other works by Emils Pulmanis, visit his author showcase in the PM World Library at https://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/emils-pulmanis/