News from the Project Management Communities’
Associations in Italy
(PMI Chapters, IPMA Italy, ISIPM)
By Alessandro Quagliarini
International Correspondent
Rome, Italy
In this article we are going to talk briefly about the activities and the results achieved by the Associations of Project Management in Italy, from pre-summer period up to now, in connection with what I reported last year on PMWJ Issue X – October 2021[1].
During the last year of pandemics, all associations have been working hard in order to maintain the usual level of initiatives offered or even to improve it, exploring new means aimed to increasing the number of followers and newly certified managers. Nowadays the entire sector still has not settled its interest towards the future challenges of Project Management.
The Associations of Project Management Community in Italy
The Project Management Institute: Northern Italy’s Chapter (PMI-NIC)[2]; Central Italy’s Chapter (PMI-Central Italy)[3]; Southern Italy’s Chapter (PMI-SIC)[4]
Compared to what I reported last year, Italian PMI chapters are giving continuity to their activities, developing their presence in each region in which each of them operates. We know that the spread of the PM discipline goes beyond certifications; nonetheless the number of people who get credentials is a good parameter to understand the cultural involvement that the PM associations can stimulate. In Italy, up to now, we have 10.054[5] (+3,2 compared with April 2021) PMI licensed people, considering 697 CAPM entry level (+16% compared with April 2021[6]), the 9128 of the professional level PMP (+5,7% compared with April 2021[7]) and the last 229 possessing some of the other PMI credentials (-2,8% respect on April 2021[8]).
Each of the three chapters is still working for expanding their territorial branch, engaging volunteers, and overall trying to make their effort synergic. This will be a subject in the new edition of the “Project Management Italy Forum”, a three-session event organized by the three Italian chapters, that is expected to take place in the next months. During the last edition, from 1 to 3 December 2021, the main topic was the importance and the complexity of management in cultural projects.
During the first session, the central point of discussion was the creation of value with the country’s material and intangible cultural heritage. A challenge for which a profile of cultural Project Manager is designed.
The Second session showed as Italy boasts unique Museums and Foundations compared to the rest of the world, where beauty, art and culture are combined with a series of projects to make visitors live our history, our past, the path that has led us to our days.
To read entire report, click here
How to cite this work: Quagliarini, A. (2022). Project Management Update from Italy, Report, PM World Journal, Vol. XI, Issue X, October. Available online at:
About the Author
Alessandro Quagliarini
Rome, Italy
Alessandro Quagliarini, MScEng, PMP, MBA, is an experienced Program Manager, with more than 18 years of experience in the ICT sector. He holds a Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and a Doctor’s degree in Business Administration from the Bologna University Business School. He got both PMP® and ISIPM-Av® advanced certifications in Project Management, and he is also certified as an Information Management Systems Lead Auditor. He is a Member of the Board of the “Italian Institute of Project Management” (ISIPM) for ten years, and he is an Accredited Teacher in Project Management.
Alessandro is currently engaged in the “Digital Transformation” engineering and industrialization programs of the new Italian “Open Fiber” telecommunications network, with particular focus on the engineering of delivery and assurance processes for the provision of retail, business and industries customers, on the operational management and procurement support for the definition of specifications and contracts, on the definition of operating rules/ instructions for maintenance and of requirements for systems development, on the support to the commercial and regulatory lines for the definition of services and processes for customers (Other Licensed Operators and Industries), and on the definition and management of operations compliance with ISO Standards and International Best Practices.
As a Member of the ISIPM Board, he focuses his volunteer activities mainly on the cultural diffusion of the project management to young people – specifically to high school students and also staff, including teachers. As an ISIPM accredited teacher, he has taught project management in public and private institutions, in schools and in universities. He has experience in the organization of events and as a speaker in conferences, and also in proposing and managing EU-funded projects.
Alessandro can be contacted at
To view other works by Alessandro Quagliarini, visit his author showcase at
[5] (Credential holders can opt out of inclusion on the registry and will not display on search)
[6] Data is a courtesy of the observatory of Italian Institute of Project Management
[7] Data is a courtesy of the observatory of Italian Institute of Project Management
[8] Data is a courtesy of the observatory of Italian Institute of Project Management