November 2021 Project Management Update from Lugano



By Antonio Bassi

International Correspondent

Lugano, Ticino Canton, Switzerland

Project Organizations – Evolutions between theory and reality

A Study of Organizational Project Management in Swiss and Italian companies by faculty of Innovative Technologies at the University of Applied Science of Southern Switzerland


The faculty of Innovative Technologies of the University of Applied Science of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) started in November 2020 a study for assessing the importance and the diffusion of a project management structure in the Swiss and north Italy small to large size companies.

The study was based on a structured survey, written in Italian, sent to a huge pool of Switzerland and Italian companies and it aimed to understand how the organizational structure has been affected by the pandemic time we are living and by the management knowledge relating to managing projects. More precisely, the following research study focuses to analyze the organizational structure into the different operational contexts of the inquired companies and therefore its correlation with project management maturity and the most relevant factors responsible for the project’s success or failure during this uncertain time.

The research will provide objectives and results showing which is the common organizational structure related to a working context and its relations with management knowledge and project’ success achievement, clarifying how companies have been affected by the global pandemic situation in terms of managing projects.

Keywords – Project Organizations, Project Success, Methodologies, Maturity, Uncertain Times

Paper type – Academic Research Paper

Researchers and Co-Authors: Giacomo Amorati, Antonio Bassi, Daniele Bassi, Daniele Beltrami, Jonathan Bertossa, Mark Brauer, Luca Buffoni, Fulvia Cipolato, Madeo Previtali, Qendresa Rexha, Ardian Rusiti, Malcolm Tunzi.

Department of Innovative Technology
University of Applied Science and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)
University Address Via la Santa 1, 6962 Viganello – Switzerland
Correspondent author: antonio.bassi@supsi.ch

1          Introduction

Every Organization adopts a different structure in which they are working, to achieve their goals according to their corporate objectives.

The well-defined organization structures in accordance with the business context make it possible to achieve the objectives, allocate the correct resources and influence the success of the projects and subsequently the success of the company.

The literature [1] shows how organizations can apply different organizational project structures and how these affect the benefits or disadvantages compared one to another, this is regardless of the context in which the company operates.

In fact, it is not the activity which is carried out by the company that defines the type of structure chosen, but it is the result or product which influences the choice of the Organizational Structure (OS).

The OS creates a reference framework that allows the interaction of all those who are involved in the project and which are necessary for the execution of the project. The support of the OS is responsible for a smooth progression and therefore to be as efficient as possible, this responds in a clear definition of roles, tasks, responsibilities and the allocation of the necessary skills. Project organizational structures are distinguished by their ability to determine the availability of resources and influence how projects are managed and conducted.


To read entire report, click here

How to cite this work: Bassi, A. (2021).  Project Organizations – Evolutions between theory and reality: A Study of Organizational Project Management in Swiss and Italian companies; PM Update from Lugano, report, PM World Journal, Vol. X, Issue XI, November. Available online at: https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/pmwj111-Nov2021-Bassi-organizational-project-management-study-update-from-Lugano-report.pdf

About the Author

Antonio Bassi

Lugano, Switzerland

Antonio Bassi, graduate in Electronic Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, has been a Project Manager since 2000. He has been a lecturer in project management at Continuing Education and Engineering, Project manager certifier for TUV, and Head of Continuing Education at SUPSI (University of Applied Science and Arts of Southern Switzerland) Dti (Department of Innovative Tecnologies). He is author of several books on Project Management and of articles for the magazine ‘Leadership & Management’. Currently president of the Project Management Association of Ticino (CH), he is a certified PMP (Project Management Professional) by PMI (Project Management Institute). He was previously a member of the steering committee for the Northern Italy chapter of PMI in Milano, the largest PMI chapter in Italy.  He is now enabling the development of the Project Management culture in the Swiss Canton of Ticino (CH).

Antonio took part in the development of the ISO 21500 family of standards and has been Project Manager for the development of the Italian standard UNI 11648 for the qualification of Project Managers in the Italian Public Administration. He is also a former teacher of Project Management for SNA (National School of Administration) in Italy. He edited the Italian translation of the Hermes methodology developed by the Public Administration of the Swiss Confederation. He took part in the verification of the Italian translation of the PMI PMBOK for the III and IV editions and in the verification of the translations of PMP certification exam questions. He is a developer of Knowledge Management projects as research activity in universities and manager of webinars, conferences and forums for the development of knowledge management and project management.

Antonio can be contacted at antonio.bassi@supsi.ch.