November 2019 PM Update from Riga

Call for Papers



By Emils Pulmanis

International Correspondent

Riga, Latvia



Project Management Development – Practice and Perspectives

Call for Papers for the 9th International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries


The 9th International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic States will be held in Riga, Latvia during 23-24 April 2020. Under the theme “Project Management Development – Practice and Perspectives”; the conference will be held at the University of Latvia.

The Call for Papers remains open, with abstract submission until November 30th and full paper submission accepted through 10 February 2020. However if you are interested to present or publish your paper you can contact conference coordinators by e-mail Silvija.Bruna@lu.lv  or Emils.Pulmanis@lu.lv.

By the end of March 2019 registration for listeners and those who wish to present their reports without publication still remain.

More information can be found at http://www.balticpmconference.eu/.

The aim of the conference is to discuss results of scientific research in project management issues, to establish new contacts and networking between professionals involved in project management as well as enhance the capacity of project managers.

In 2020 we will have 9th anniversary that the Research Institute of the Project Management of the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, University of Latvia in cooperation with the Professional Association of Project Managers organize an international conference on project management, gathering professionals from a number of countries.

So far more than twenty countries were represented (Latvia, Estonia, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Iran, United Kingdom, Poland, Australia, Italy, Malaysia, Palestine, Iceland, The Netherlands, Turkey, Russia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Norway, Singapore, China, France, Finland, Romania, Ukraine, USA, Portugal, Hungary, Bulgaria and others ), and this year several others have joined in. The conference aims to host a vast exchange of ideas, thoughts, and experience in the benefits of applying project management to resolving practical problems.


To read entire call for papers, click here


How to cite this report:  Pulmanis, E. (2019). Project Management Update from Latvia, PM World Journal; Vol. VIII, Issue X, November.  Available online at: https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/pmwj87-Nov2019-Pulmanis-Latvia-conference-call-for-papers.pdf



About the Author

Emils Pulmanis

Riga, Latvia




Emils Pulmanis is a member of the board of the Professional Association of Project Managers in Latvia and development project manager at State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia. He has gained a BSc. in engineer economics, a professional master’s degree in project management (MSc.proj.mgmt) and currently is a PhD candidate with a specialization in project management. He has elaborated and directed a number of domestic and foreign financial instruments co-financed projects. He was a National coordinator for a European Commission-funded program – the European Union’s financial instruments PHARE program in Latvia. Over the past seven years he has worked in the public administration project control and monitoring field. He was a financial instrument expert for the Ministry of Welfare and the European Economic Area and Norwegian Financial Mechanism implementation authority as well as an expert for the Swiss – Latvian cooperation program as a NGO grant scheme project evaluation expert. He has gained international and professional project management experience in Germany, the United States and Taiwan. In addition to his professional work, he is also a lecturer at the University of Latvia for the professional master study program in Project management. He has authored more than 50 scientific publications and is actively involved in social activities as a member of various NGO’s.

Emils can be contacted at emils.pulmanis@gmail.com.

To see other works by Emils Pulmanis, visit his author showcase in the PM World Library at https://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/emils-pulmanis/