24 June 2024
Ref: (1) Ozoux, J. L. (2024). Better progress measurement is the secret to successful projects – and a crucial objective for IT in project-driven organisations, PM World Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue V, May. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/pmwj141-May2024-Ozoux-better-progress-measurement-is-the-secret-2.pdf
(2) Smith, K. F. (2024). On the Subject of Better Progress Measurement, Letter to the Editor, PM World Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue VI, June. https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/pmwj142-Jun2024-Smith-on-better-progress-measurement-Letter-to-Editor.pdf
Dear Editor
My last month’s letter on the subject of better progress measurement only addressed measuring work performance with unweighted milestones in terms of the project schedule. Subsequently, however, I was involved in a couple of discussions on Earned Value analysis, which – as we all know — entails integrated work, schedule & cost performance assessment. During one meeting[1] I revisited and reiterated my integrated 13-point Project Performance ‘IPPSTAT’ scale[2] based on project status possibilities in terms of EVM variables. I subsequently updated the related ‘quick & easy’ template to share with conferees, incorporating traditional SPI and CPI indicators, and also renamed the 13-point indicator ‘IPPI’ to clarify and emphasize its integrated stance. These changes are shown herein as Figures 1 and 2 on the following pages.
As a ‘NIH’ (i.e. Not Invented Here) nonentity, there is little likelihood the US Government will adopt or adapt IPPSTAT in toto. Nevertheless, other organizations unbounded by such strictures &/or beyond my immediate reach may still find IPPSTAT useful. [Copies of these updates are therefore available for free from kenfsmith@aol.com, on request.] To emulate Alexander Pope’s admonition:[3] ‘For means of measurement let fools contest. That which measures best is best.’
To read entire Letter to the Editor, click here
How to cite this work: Smith, K. F. (2024). More on Measuring Project Performance, Letter to the Editor, PM World Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue VII, July. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/pmwj143-Jul2024-Smith-More-on-Measuring-Project-Performance-Letter-to-Editor.pdf
Manila, The Philippines
[1] FYI, US government authorities are currently reviewing – with intent to update — age-old EVM guidelines. However, whether or not they ‘double down,’ or even extend extant EVM measurement, monitoring & reporting practices – despite some current concerns about their utility – or incorporate new features is beyond my purview here.
[2] An approach which I researched, developed and presented to PMI — and others — some 24 years ago; have since advocated and taught to participants in my workshop seminars, propounded in several previous PMWJ articles available amid other articles at www.pmworldlibrary.net; and now explicated and currently conveniently consolidated in the Earned Value Section of my recent book MUSINGS on Project Management; available on Amazon.
[3] “For forms of Government let fools contest. Whate’er is best administered is best.” Alexander Pope: An Essay on Man’ 1733