The PMI Madrid Spain Chapter is still dealing with spreading the need of the profession in Spain
By Alfonso Bucero
International Correspondent
Madrid, Spain
From Evis Rosales
PMI Madrid Spain Chapter President
I have the honor to communicate the summary of activities of the chapter PMI Madrid Spain, which began the second quarter of the year with many ongoing initiatives. The President gave thanks to everyone for their participation as partners, volunteers, and thank you also sponsors.
On 20 March was held the annual General meeting, it reviewed financial results, the budget for 2019 and the result of elections in 2019 where were renewed charges of the Board of Directors.
PMI Madrid Chpater is looking for better management efficiency and getting aligned to PMI’s Global proposal. The most important activities this Chapter has advanced recently are as follows:
- Signed an agreement of reciprocity with the PMI Chapter of Guatemala.
- The third session of the Group’s discussion of digital transformation took place on March 18th, coordinated by Luis Reyes who is also a volunteer of our technology team.
- Delivered the workshop understanding Lean through the House of thought read working in a very visual and experiential way the proposal read.
To read entire report, click here for (English) or (Spanish)
How to cite this report: Bucero, A. (2019). May 2019 Project Management Update from Spain, PM World Journal, Vol. VIII, Issue IV (May). Available online at: and
About the Author
Alfonso Bucero
Madrid, Spain
Alfonso Bucero, MSc, CPS, PMP, PMI-RMP, PfMP, PMI Fellow, is an International Correspondent and Contributing Editor for the PM World Journal in Madrid, Spain. Mr. Bucero is also founder and Managing Partner of BUCERO PM Consulting. Alfonso was the founder, sponsor and president of the PMI Barcelona Chapter until April 2005, and belongs to PMI’s LIAG (Leadership Institute Advisory Group). He was the past President of the PMI Madrid Spain Chapter, and then nominated as a PMI EMEA Region 8 Component Mentor. Now he is a member of the PMIEF Engagement Committee. Alfonso has a Computer Science Engineering degree from Universidad Politécnica in Madrid and is studying for his Ph.D. in Project Management. He has 32 years of practical experience and is actively engaged in advancing the PM profession in Spain and throughout Europe. He received the PMI Distinguished Contribution Award on October 9th, 2010, the PMI Fellow Award on October 22nd 2011 and the PMI Eric Jenett Excellence Award on October 28th, 2017.
Mr. Bucero can be contacted at
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