June 2021 PM Update from Italy


The National Plan of Recovery and Resilience and

Project Management in Italy during the Pandemic



By Allesandro Quagliarini

International Correspondent

Rome, Italy


This Report focuses on the largest Italian project plan from the second post-war period to the present day, i.e. the National Plan of Recovery and Resilience (NPRR), and on the evolutions of Project Management in Italy during the pandemic situation.

The National Plan of Recovery and Resilience

Since it has been globally recognized that Italy was the first European Country that had to support and to suffer the initial dramatic pandemic impacts, so generating also a quantity of painful lessons learned in a situation characterized by the unavailability of vaccines, specific therapies and medicines, and even the needed quantities of personal protective equipment, the European Union assigned to Italy a substantial amount of funds (i.e.191,5 billion Euros, the major part in long-term loans, and a minor part in straight grants) from the European “Next Generation Europe” (NGEU) program, in order to invest in post-pandemic projects. Therefore, in order to have that assignment confirmed, Italy delivered to the European Community its “Recovery Plan” named “National Plan of Recovery and Resilience” (PNRR).

The PNRR consists of six Missions, which correspond to the six Pillars of the NGEU (i.e. digitization, innovation, competitiveness, culture; green revolution and ecological transition; infrastructure for sustainable mobility; education and research; inclusion and cohesion; health) and of sixteen Components.

The six Missions are as follows:

  • Mission 1 – Digitization, innovation, competitiveness and culture. It consists of three components and targets the digital modernization of the country’s communications infrastructure, both in the public administration and in the production system. A component is dedicated to the sectors that most characterize Italy and define its image in the world, i.e. tourism and culture (total amount is 40,32 billion Euros)


To read entire report, click here

How to cite this report:  Quagliarini, A. (2021). Project Management Update from Italy: The National Plan of Recovery and Resilience and Project Management in Italy during the Pandemic, report, PM World Journal, Vol. X, Issue VI, June. Available online at: https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/pmwj106-Jun2021-Quagliarini-Report-from-Italy-National-Plan-of-Recovery-and-pm-during-pandemic.pdf

About the Author

Alessandro Quagliarini

Rome, Italy


Alessandro Quagliarini, MScEng, PMP, MBA, is an experienced Program Manager, with more than 18 years of experience in the ICT sector. He holds a Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and a Doctor’s degree in Business Administration from the Bologna University Business School. He got both PMP® and ISIPM-Av® advanced certifications in Project Management, and he is also certified as an Information Management Systems Lead Auditor. He is a Member of the Board of the “Italian Institute of Project Management” (ISIPM) for ten years, and he is an Accredited Teacher in Project Management.

Alessandro is currently engaged in the “Digital Transformation” engineering and industrialization programs of the new Italian “Open Fiber” telecommunications network, with particular focus on the engineering of delivery and assurance processes for the provision of retail, business and industries customers, on the operational management and procurement support for the definition of specifications and contracts, on the definition of operating rules/ instructions for maintenance and of requirements for systems development, on the support to the commercial and regulatory lines for the definition of services and processes for customers (Other Licensed Operators and Industries), and on the definition and management of operations compliance with ISO Standards and International Best Practices.

As a Member of the ISIPM Board, he focuses his volunteer activities mainly on the cultural diffusion of the project management to young people – specifically to high school students and also staff, including teachers. As an ISIPM accredited teacher, he has taught project management in public and private institutions, in schools and in universities. He has experience in the organization of events and as a speaker in conferences, and also in proposing and managing EU-funded projects.

Alessandro can be contacted at a.quagliarini@gmail.com