June 2019 UK Project Management Round Up


Green Power, New Projects, Project Progress, Stirling Prize winners, Historic Projects, Not Classified News, Not So Good News, BREXIT and the Length of a Year



By Miles Shepherd

Executive Advisor & International Correspondent

Salisbury, England, UK




As noted elsewhere, time flies when you are having fun, and this is my last report for the first half of the year.  Mid-summer is only a matter of days away but according to the BBC, we are still in Spring and they have a wild-life programme to prove it.

This month there is more good news to report in the form of carbon emission reduction, new project awards and architectural awards.  There is also some not so good news for some UK mega projects, and some other news (can’t decide if it is good or not) on Artificial Intelligence (AI).  And to finish off another busy month, I have some news about time that will reach parts that the other reports can’t reach.


Green power

Photo: Getty Images

The above image may be one of the last pictures of a British coal fired power station as the government plans to close all the UK’s coal plants by 2025.  The National Grid is working to ensure fully fossil free generation across the grid by the same date.  Significantly, we have just ended a record-breaking coal free generation period.  The coal free power record now stands at 18 day 6 hours.  Only a few weeks ago, I filed a report on the record being extended to 5 days, but this is a step change.  Apparently, the resumption of a coal contribution was necessitated by the mass switch on to a reality TV show that I somehow seem to have omitted from my personal schedule.  The @UK_Coal Twitter account, which tracks coal’s share of the grid, confirmed coal’s share of the mix peaked at 1.06 per cent overnight before dropping back down to 0.11 per cent this morning.

While coal was off the grid, gas provided 40 per cent of demand, nuclear met 20 per cent, wind provided 13 per cent, imports delivered 11 per cent, biomass eight per cent, solar seven per cent, and both large hydro and storage projects provided less than one per cent each.  Now we need to work on reducing the dependence on gas.

New Projects

Many of the major UK corporates have announced new projects: Babcock will start work on a new contract for fixed wing air ambulance services in Norway and a new LPG project while completing a key stage in the naval dockyard programme at DUQM, in Oman.

Engineering conglomerate Bombardier has announced that it is the preferred bidder for a £3.9 Bn project to supply rolling stock for a new light railway in Egypt.  The monorail will be built in two sections, east and west of Cairo.  Tourist hot spots around Giza will be linked to the city.  The contract supplies 70 four car trains and will be exported to Egypt between 2021 and 2024.


To read entire report, click here


How to cite this report: Shepherd, M. (2019).  June 2019 UK Project Management Roundup, PM World Journal, Vol. VIII, Issue V, June.  Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/pmwj82-Jun2019-Shepherd-UK-Regional-Report.pdf



About the Author

Miles Shepherd

Salisbury, England, UK



Miles Shepherd is an executive editorial advisor and international correspondent for PM World Journal in the United Kingdom. He is also managing director for MS Projects Ltd, a consulting company supporting various UK and overseas Government agencies, nuclear industry organisations and other businesses.  Miles has over 30 years’ experience on a variety of projects in UK, Eastern Europe and Russia.  His PM experience includes defence, major IT projects, decommissioning of nuclear reactors, nuclear security, rail and business projects for the UK Government and EU.   Past Chair and Fellow of the Association for Project Management (APM), Miles is also past president and chair and a Fellow of the International Project Management Association (IPMA).  He is currently a Director for PMI’s Global Accreditation Centre and is immediate past Chair of the ISO committee developing new international standards for Project Management and for Program/Portfolio Management.  He was involved in setting up APM’s team developing guidelines for project management oversight and governance.  Miles is based in Salisbury, England and can be contacted at miles.shepherd@msp-ltd.co.uk.


To view other works by Miles Shepherd, visit his author showcase in the PM World Library at http://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/miles-shepherd/.