June 2019 PM Update from Buenos Aires

Latin American Women Leaders share their learnings (Report from Argentina)



By Cecilia Boggi, PMP

International Correspondent

Buenos Aires, Argentina



In the past April edition of the PM World Journal, I’ve commented about the event developed by PMI Nuevo Cuyo Argentina Chapter, Branch La Rioja, called “Women Leaders from Latin America“. The leader of this community, José Sergio Torres, organized with great success that event in which recognized women have shared their experiences and learnings.

In parallel, the Community of Interest of the PMI Buenos Aires Chapter, called “Female Leadership in Project Management”, continued to carry out events to disseminate and develop skills for women leaders in Project Management. In this context, it was held on Wednesday, May 8th, a self-awareness and leadership workshop entitled “Leadership begins in me” at the University of CEMA in Buenos Aires City.

Following this line, the aforementioned Community of Interest, together with the PMI Nuevo Cuyo Chapter, held on Thursday, May 30th, a new session of the “Women Leaders from Latin America” forum, this time at the headquarters of Aden International Business School in city of Mendoza.

Personally, I had the honor of participating in the panel of recognized women from different industries and organizations, while introducing to the audience about the participation of women in project management, after the institutional presentation of Engineer Leonardo Vázquez, president of the PMI Nuevo Cuyo Chapter.

In the introduction I wanted to highlight the need to develop more talent in project management since, according to the PMI report, Project Management Job Growth and Talent Gap, by the year 2027 will require about 88 million project managers, being one of the fastest growing professions of today.

On the other hand, organizations are deficient to find this talent and, in parallel, it is estimated that women represent only 30% of project managers, according to surveys conducted by PMI and research conducted in Latin American chapters.

This shows a great opportunity for project management, and also for women.

It is important to spread and inspire more women to contribute their talent to this profession, which, in turn, can generate professional development and better incomes.

But for this, it is necessary to overcome problems associated with gender stereotypes and obstacles that women usually face in order to grow in the workplace, such as those represented by metaphors called “glass ceilings”, “glass labyrinths”, “sticky floors” and  “cement ceilings”, among others, that mention external and internal barriers that hinder women’s access to leadership positions in organizations.


To read entire report click here for (English) or (Spanish)


To cite this article: Boggi, C. (2019). Latin American Women Leaders share their learnings: Project Management Report from Argentina, PM World Journal, Vol. VIII, Issue V, June. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/pmwj82-Jun2019-Boggi-argentina-regional-report-english.pdf



About the Author


International Correspondent
Buenos Aires, Argentina




Cecilia Boggi, MBA, PMP, CSM is founder and Executive Director of activePMO, giving consulting services and training in Project Management and Leadership skills in Argentina and Latin America.

Graduated in Computer Science from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, she has managed software development projects and PMO implementation projects for more than 25 years both in the government and private sector, in different countries in Latin America.

Cecilia has an Executive Master in Business Administration from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Spain and also has graduated from an Executive Program in Business Management at Universidad del CEMA, Argentina.

She holds the Project Management Professional (PMP®) credential since 2003, is certified as SDI Facilitator from Personal Strengths©, is a Professional Executive Coach accredited by Association for Coaching, UK, PMO-CP from PMO Global Alliance, Certified Scrum Master (CSM) form Scrum Alliance and alumni of the PMI Leadership Institute Master Class 2012.

Ms. Boggi is Past President of the PMI Buenos Aires Argentina Chapter, and is a founding member of the PMI Nuevo Cuyo Chapter and PMI Santa Cruz Bolivia Chapter.

She was PMI’s Mentor for Region 13, Latin America South, for the years 2014-2017.  Cecilia participated in the development of PMI’s PMBOK® Guide 5th Edition, leading the Chapter 9, Human Resource Management, content team; she is professor of Project Management and Leadership in some Universities and Business Schools in Latin America.

She can be contacted at Cecilia@activepmo.com and www.activepmo.com


To view other works by Cecilia Boggi, visit her author showcase in the PM World Library at http://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/cecilia-boggi/.