January 2023 PM Update from PMO Global Alliance India Hub


Happy New Year, TransparentChoice demo webinar,

FICCI’s 95th Annual Convention & AGM,

Acknowledgements and References



By Linda Ottmann

Chief Communications Officer
PMO Global Alliance India Hub
International Correspondent, PMWJ

Nuremburg, Germany and Bengaluru, India

News Snippets

  • PMOGA India Hub wishes you a happy New Year!

We would like to wish you a very happy, prosperous and successful New Year 2023!
May this New Year bring new avenues and fulfill all your dreams!

  • PMOGA India Hub supports TransparentChoice demo webinar

On 7 December, TransparentChoice represented by Stuart Easton and Dan Dures organized a demo webinar, which was supported by PMOGA India Hub. It focused on how to properly prioritize and select projects.

This webinar explored how the TransparentChoice project prioritization software works, how to best align your projects with strategy, how to align your project workload with your ability to deliver and how to get started, including a short demo.

  • PMOGA India Hub representation at FICCI’s 95th Annual Convention & AGM

Our president Gaurav Dhooper, representing PMOGA India Hub, participated in the CEOs Panel at FICCI’s 95th Annual Convention.

The topic: India’s Century – Achieving Sustainable, Inclusive Growth: A Roadmap for India Inc.

Have you missed this event? You can catch up here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfBVLTgvPUA&ab_channel=FICCIIndia


To read entire report, click here

How to cite this report: Ottmann, L. (2023). Project Management Update from PMOGA India Hub; report, PM World Journal, Vol. XII, Issue I, January. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/pmwj125-Jan2023-Ottmann-Update-PMOGA-India-Hub-report.pdf

About the Author

Linda Ottmann

Nuremberg, Germany


Linda Ottmann is a certified CPM (IAPM), CAPM (IAPM) and CIPM (CEPM). She has more than five years of experience in project management and has been responsible for traditional as well as agile projects. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism Management from the Harz University of Applied Sciences and a Master’s degree in International Management from the Bochum University of Applied Sciences. Currently she is working for the International Association of Project Managers (IAPM) as CCO, where she is responsible for internal as well as external communication.

On a voluntary basis, she has been working for the PMO Global Alliance India Hub as CCO since January 2022. Her responsibilities there include communication, public relations and collaborations. In February 2022, she started reporting as an international correspondent for the PM World Journal to inform PMWJ readers about activities of the PMO Global Alliance and the India Hub in particular.

Linda can be contacted at indiahub@community.pmoga.world or via LinkedIn

To view other works by Linda Ottmann, visit her author showcase in the PM World Library at https://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/linda-ottmann/