Good News, APM News, December Events, Stirling Prize, Project Successes (Hornsea Wind Farms, Archaeological Achievement Awards), Hail and Farewell (passing giants), Stellar Success and Closing Remarks (cricket and words from Capt Tom)
By Miles Shepherd
Executive Advisor & International Correspondent
Salisbury, England, UK
In previous years, I have used this report to review what has happened in the project world in the year just passed. I departed from this approach last year and is seems somehow inappropriate this year, too, as it has been such a difficult time for most people. Instead, I’ll focus on recent good news events
The most important good news is that we are now into 2022 and in the immortal words of that wonderful centurion Capt Sir Tom Moore, Tomorrow will be a better day! You may recall that Capt Tom, as is fondly remembered, departed this life in February 2021 but not before he captured the Nation’s attention by fund raising for our National Health Service (NHS) but walking 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday. He aimed to raise £1000 but when his personal project was publicized, went on to raise a staggering £32.79 million (worth almost £39 million with expected tax rebates). His amazing life is briefly recounted at While we mourn his departure, we should reflect on a good life well lived, and a motto reflecting the attitude of his generation and that of many project people.
This has also been a good year for education, and for professional education in particular.
- The Association for Project Management (APM) has announced a new certification that reflects the professional nature of project management. The Major Project Leadership Specialist Certificate. Aimed at those involved in what APM describe as projects with significant risks and benefits or have macro impact, e.g. leading to significant political, social, economic, technological, organisational transformation, legal, or environmental change. The target market is project professionals who have delivered in a leadership capacity on a major project. See whether you fit the profile at
- Project Management Apprenticeships continue to attract strong support. APM qualifications are built into English and Scottish apprenticeships. In England and Wales, these are at Level 4 (Associate PM) and Level 6 (PM Integrated Degree. The Scottish qualification is the PM Technical Apprenticeship. Details of all these can be found at
The run up to Christmas is always a busy period and this year with a little more freedom allowed by national Governments, APM held their first hybrid Fellows Forum. These events are intended to brief Fellow members of APM on key policy aspects. Previous fora have covered national economic outlook, COVID impact on projects and sustainability. BC – Before Covid – these were face to face but needs must when the situation changes so recent ones have been on-line. There are pros such as wider reach, less travel time and recordings for later use but also many cons, the lack of networking opportunities, more time out of the office, travel etc. So a hybrid event tries to maximise the benefits while minimising the negatives.
To read entire report, click here
How to cite this report: Shepherd, M. (2022). UK Project Management Roundup, report, PM World Journal, Vol. XI, Issue I, January. Available online at
About the Author
Miles Shepherd
Salisbury, UK
Miles Shepherd is an executive editorial advisor and international correspondent for PM World Journal in the United Kingdom. He is also managing director for MS Projects Ltd, a consulting company supporting various UK and overseas Government agencies, nuclear industry organisations and other businesses. Miles has over 30 years’ experience on a variety of projects in UK, Eastern Europe and Russia. His PM experience includes defence, major IT projects, decommissioning of nuclear reactors, nuclear security, rail and business projects for the UK Government and EU. Past Chair, Vice President and Fellow of the Association for Project Management (APM), Miles is also past president and chair and a Fellow of the International Project Management Association (IPMA). He was a Director for PMI’s Global Accreditation Centre and is immediate past Chair of the ISO committee developing new international standards for Project Management and for Program/Portfolio Management. Miles is Chair of the British Standards Institute’s Committee on Project, Programme and Portfolio Management and has been involved in the development of Uk’s BSI 6079 for more than 25 years. He was involved in setting up APM’s team developing guidelines for project management oversight and governance. Miles is based in Salisbury, England and can be contacted at
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