February 2024 Update from the House of PMO


PMO Trends in 2024, TSO and House of PMO

collaborate to launch new edition of

“PMO Competency Framework”



By Lindsay Scott

Manchester, UK

Trends for 2024 in PMO

Each year at the House of PMO, we share the top ten trends to watch out for in PMO over the coming year. We have been writing about trends and predictions in PMO since 2017. Back then, it was about understanding the real issues with PMO and value, the practicalities of supporting Agile-led projects, understanding strategy in your organisation and making small changes that have a big impact.

Fast forward seven years; where is PMO heading right now? Take a look at our predictions for 2024.

PMO Trends for 2024

Here are the new predictions for 2024: what will it have in store for us?

  • Having the right energy and skill to bring together your PMO community of practice.
  • Efficiency and productivity – a long-term continuous focus to drive PMO effectiveness, quality and value.
  • Increased use of Generative AI – a PMO’s assistant.
  • Positive steps forward in utilising project data analytics with data analysts in the PMO.
  • Developing and evolving the PMO as a profession.
  • Formalising what PMO means to you, your PMO, your delivery organisation, your business and your sector.
  • Differentiating between the Service Catalogue, PMO Handbook and PMO Playbook.
  • Utilising a structured framework and set processes for continuous improvement in the PMO.
  • Incorporating practices that support environmental, social, and economic responsibility, aligning with the broader sustainability goals of the business.
  • Increasing levels and presence of the PMO in organisations.

PMO Communities of Practice

Having the right energy and skill to bring together your PMO community of practice.

Communities of practice are a great way for PMO practitioners to come together to enhance their knowledge and expertise. We frequently hear about PMOs within many different types of organisations who use communities of practice as a way to keep in regular contact with each other (especially with many still working from home) as well as using it as an informal learning approach.

Communities of practice – or other types of gatherings and get-togethers – require a lot of serious planning with a focus on different exercises and interactions designed to bring people together, contribute, share, and ultimately take away practical learning they can use back in their day-to-day work.

Bringing in guest speakers for presentation sessions, using gamification for team interaction, show-and-tells for spotlighting themes of work, ice-breakers, and facilitated conversations – all different approaches that get the most out of those precious hours together.


To read entire report, click here

How to cite this work: Scott, L. (2024). Update from the House of PMO; report, PM World Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue II, February. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/pmwj138-Feb2024-Scott-House-of-PMO-report.pdf

About the Author

Lindsay Scott

Manchester, UK


Lindsay Scott is the co-founder of House of PMO, the professional membership organisation for people working in PMOs today. She’s the curator of the PMO Conference, the largest gathering of PMO professionals since 2015. Lindsay is also the co-founder of PMO Learning, a training organisation specialised in delivering certifications and courses for PMO practitioners. Lindsay is also the PMI’s career columnist since 2016, offering career-related advice to project professionals. She has a previous career in project management recruitment & employment and previously worked as a PMO Manager earlier in her career.

Today Lindsay enjoys bringing PMO people together, building a community over the last couple of decades – to help people develop themselves, help the development of others and to help drive the profession of PMO forward. You can connect with Lindsay via Linkedin or get in touch at www.houseofpmo.com

The House of PMO is a professional membership organisation for those working in PMOs today. Initially set up in 2013 and called PMO Flashmob, it transitioned to the House of PMO in 2021. The House of PMO was established to bring PMO people together, creating a home for PMO professionals where they can develop themselves, support the development of others and contribute to the development of the PMO profession. How is this achieved? By developing standards – such as the PMO Competency Framework; providing professional development (the Essentials qualifications); arranging events and networking opportunities (such as weekly events and an annual PMO Conference); providing a platform to learn from each other (the annual PMO Managers Lunch); publishing works, supporting research, tracking trends and providing essential knowledge for PMO practitioners working today. To learn more, visit www.houseofpmo.com

To view other works by Lindsay Scott, visit here author showcase in the PM World Library at https://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/lindsay-scott/