Congratulations to PM World Journal



21 July 2022

Ref: Message from Gaurav Dhooper, President at PMOGA India Hub

Dear Editor,

It gives me immense pleasure to congratulate David Pells, Managing Editor at PM World Journal (PMWJ) and his team on the release of 120th edition of PMWJ in August 2022, thereby, completing 10 years of service to the Program and Project Management community.

PMOGA India Hub (https://www.pmoga.world/india-hub), a non-profit community for bringing excellence on PMOs (Project/Program/Portfolio Management Offices) and PMO/Project Management professionals in India, is fortunate to have collaborated with PMWJ and thankful to them for publishing their PM updates every month. It has been a wonderful collaboration between PMWJ and PMOGA India Hub so far as both share the common goals of building and promoting the project, program and portfolio management competencies and best practices along with knowledge sharing for global development.

Over the years PMWJ has created a vast knowledge base of practical case studies, articles, white papers, reports which are extremely helpful for organizations and PM practitioners to learn, adopt and implement the best practices in managing simple to complex projects/programs for achieving desired business outcomes and enhancing the customer experience.

I wish PMWJ a huge success in the years to come.


Gaurav Dhooper
President, PMOGA India Hub
Uttar Pradesh, India