A message of hope for the Project Manager
By Alfonso Bucero
International Correspondent
Madrid, Spain
This summer, high temperature, COVID-19 infections, and the big amount of people being fired as project managers, are getting the uncertainty growing about our professional future. We do not know what will be happening in September. Some of us want to think positively but many daily bad news are stressing us.
From PMI Madrid Chapter, through her president (Susana Moreno), we have received a message of optimism and we need to believe in ourselves. The PMI Madrid Chapter offers job opportunities to their Project professionals. That Chapter continues to organize frequent “webinars” to keep their PMI membership informed, together and hopeful. In Spain we say that “when bad times come you need to show good face”. That means to be positive when facing tough situations. We cannot forget that if before the pandemic we had many projects to manage, during and after the pandemic have arisen and will arise more challenging projects to be managed. We must remind ourselves that the project manager role has been, is and will be crucial for business development and social good.
We should take advantage of this summer to rest some days in order to re-start the rest of the year with much energy, to positively infect with positive attitude our peers, colleagues, bosses, managers and customers by convincing them that together we can drive our country to a better situation. My preferred sentence “TODAY IS A GOOD DAY!” comes now reinforced by the sentence “TOMORROW WILL BE BETTER!”, and even when it is not depending only from us, what is true is that we can add something to achieve a better nation, country, continent and world.
From here I want to share with you my suggestions:
- Read a book one hour per day (preferable not PM related)
- Change your activity during some days without thinking about your projects
- Spend some time with your family
- Be grateful to God, nature or whatever (Today is a Good day!)
- Think about who you will be able to help after your vacations
To read entire report, click here for (English) or (Spanish)
How to cite this report: Bucero, A. (2020). Project Management Report from Spain: A message of hope for the Project Manager, PM World Journal, Vol. IX, Issue VIII, August. Available online at: https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/pmwj96-Aug2020-Bucero-project-management-in-Spain-report-ENGLISH.pdf
About the Author
Alfonso Bucero
Madrid, Spain
Alfonso Bucero, MSc, CPS, ACE, PMP, PMI-RMP, PfMP, SFC, IPMO-E, PMI Fellow, is an International Correspondent and Contributing Editor for the PM World Journal in Madrid, Spain. Mr. Bucero is also founder and Managing Partner of BUCERO PM Consulting. Alfonso was the founder, sponsor and president of the PMI Barcelona Chapter until April 2005, and belongs to PMI’s LIAG (Leadership Institute Advisory Group). He was the past President of the PMI Madrid Spain Chapter, and then nominated as a PMI EMEA Region 8 Component Mentor. Now he is a member of the PMIEF Engagement Committee. Alfonso has a Computer Science Engineering degree from Universidad Politécnica in Madrid and is studying for his Ph.D. in Project Management. He has 32 years of practical experience and is actively engaged in advancing the PM profession in Spain and throughout Europe. He received the PMI Distinguished Contribution Award on October 9th, 2010, the PMI Fellow Award on October 22nd 2011 and the PMI Eric Jenett Excellence Award on October 28th, 2017.
Mr. Bucero can be contacted at alfonso.bucero@abucero.com.
To see other works by Alfonso Bucero, visit his author showcase in the PM World Library at https://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/alfonso-bucero/