Spanish Women in Project Management
By Alfonso Bucero
International Correspondent
Madrid, Spain
First Spanish Congress about Women in Project Management celebrated at Caixa Forum (Madrid)
The first Spanish Congress of Women in Project Management was celebrated on March the 5th at CAIXAFORUM (Madrid) in Spain. It had as protagonists’ different managers from Spanish firms like Telefónica, Ericsson, Airbus, EVO Banco, INTA and the European Fusion For Energy. Women and men were the Keynote speakers that, during the whole journey, explained how their organizations are achieving great results in their projects thanks to more diverse teams. There were several panel discussions that promoted several questions and the auditorium interaction.
Around three hundred people attended that event that has been a key milestone which has added value to project management diversity in Spain. By analysing the event, right now, we are conscious of the high level of interest in Project Management in Spain; and the change that step by step is happening in Spain regarding project management diversity. Thanks to all for your collaboration.
At the image: Maria Dolores Norte (First Spanish Mining Engineer) and Alfonso Bucero (Project Manager) chatting about project management diversity.
The congress focused on three blocs: Innovation, digital transformation and sustainability. In fact, those three large subjects were the protagonists in all industries and topics the speakers talked about. Susana Moreno, Congress Project manager, clarified the importance of remarking the woman figure as a Project Manager: “Giving visibility to the woman in the project management discipline is not responding to a fashion, as some people said”, explains Susana. “It is responding to a responsibility call that we have as leaders, all, men and women, by understanding our teams’ diversity as the main change management tool and the best providing good project results”.
To read entire report, click here for (English) or (Spanish)
How to cite this report: Bucero, A. (2020). April 2020 Project Management Update from Spain, PM World Journal, Vol. IX, Issue IV, April. Available online at:
About the Author
Alfonso Bucero
Madrid, Spain
Alfonso Bucero, MSc, CPS, PMP, PMI-RMP, PfMP, PMI Fellow, is an International Correspondent and Contributing Editor for the PM World Journal in Madrid, Spain. Mr. Bucero is also founder and Managing Partner of BUCERO PM Consulting. Alfonso was the founder, sponsor and president of the PMI Barcelona Chapter until April 2005, and belongs to PMI’s LIAG (Leadership Institute Advisory Group). He was the past President of the PMI Madrid Spain Chapter, and then nominated as a PMI EMEA Region 8 Component Mentor. Now he is a member of the PMIEF Engagement Committee. Alfonso has a Computer Science Engineering degree from Universidad Politécnica in Madrid and is studying for his Ph.D. in Project Management. He has 32 years of practical experience and is actively engaged in advancing the PM profession in Spain and throughout Europe. He received the PMI Distinguished Contribution Award on October 9th, 2010, the PMI Fellow Award on October 22nd 2011 and the PMI Eric Jenett Excellence Award on October 28th, 2017.
Mr. Bucero can be contacted at
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